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Business Mobile App Workshop

Mobile app workshop for your business

Business Mobile App Workshop

We are now offering a Business Mobile App Workshop.  Why? Read on.


Everyone loves a brilliant app and mobile apps have truly infiltrated our daily lives in business and also pleasure.  We’ve become quite tech-savvy and it’s not uncommon for everyday non-digital people to discuss user experience and user interface.


Is your business about to embark on mobile app development?  Whether your company intends to use in-house resources or an agency, when it comes to mobile app development it’s important that company employees are well aware of all the important questions they need to ask themselves before commencing.


It’s important to be clear about what you’re trying to achieve from the get-go.  Even what you’re trying to achieve should be discussed and questioned. Even if you are already adamant you know what you require.


Depending on your type of business, some of the points discussed in the Apps People Mobile App Development Workshop could include:


• Your goals
• Mobile app platforms, devices and their nuances
• Mobile enterprise apps and deployment options
• Best in design
• Return on investment for your business
• Server technology and connectivity
• Your competition
• Marketing in business
• Maintenance and management


You will also work to create the beginning screen wireframes for your mobile app.


Is a Mobile App Development Workshop Useful?


A workshop could save you months of development time and tens of thousands of dollars.  It could help put you on track from the very start and increase your chances of launching your app more quickly.  It’ll help you and your team quickly grasp the necessary basics rather than exclude a not-so-technical team member.  A fully involved team will produce the best results.


Who should attend a mobile app development workshop?


Any stakeholders or team members who will be involved should attend the workshop.


How much time will the workshop take, where will it happen and who will represent Apps People?


A usual workshop will take 1-full day and will happen at your place of business.  More than likely, Stuart Kidd will represent the company.  Stuart Kidd has had two decades of software development experience working with UBS, Deutsche Bank, Halifax Bank and Vodafone.  He has worked on many mobile apps and has had a successful career in mobile development.


What will you have achieved at the end of the workshop?


At the end of the workshop you’ll have a clear picture of what your goals are and the steps needed to get you there with the least obstacles.  You will also have digital sketches of some of your screens and be trained up to use the software to continue with your project.


Is the workshop a sales pitch in disguise?


Not at all, this is a learning and exploration day to define your mobile app project.  You can use this new found knowledge to approach any mobile app development company here or overseas.  After the workshop you may indeed decide that your business isn’t yet ready for a mobile app.  From what you learn, you may even decide that a website could be a better approach to achieve your goals.


What now?


Give us a call and arrange a time for us to provide your team a workshop, without one it could possibly cost you tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost opportunities.

Stuart Kidd

Stuart Kidd is Founder of Apps Ppl and Everythere. He has a long background in mobile app development and he co-founded Australia's first mobile app development and funding company to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).